4K^Grubby: Deadman vs Ohjie from NGL @ EI. Maybe most people don't know about this, but when a level 6 DH in UltraSuperman form is cycloned, his duration of Metamorphosis is paused.
This means several things for that DH:
He will have an extended long meta duration
He will reduce the time in between metamorphoses (since I believe the cooldown does in fact not get paused)
Theoretically, if he gets cycloned like 50 x, he could go out of Meta form and immediately cast his level 6 skill again
Cyclone does not really disable the DH in ultraSUPERman form, which I think means:
4K^Grubby: Deadman vs Ohjie from NGL @ EI. Maybe most people don't know about this, but when a level 6 DH in UltraSuperman form is cycloned, his duration of Metamorphosis is paused.
This means several things for that DH:
He will have an extended long meta duration
He will reduce the time in between metamorphoses (since I believe the cooldown does in fact not get paused)
Theoretically, if he gets cycloned like 50 x, he could go out of Meta form and immediately cast his level 6 skill again
Cyclone does not really disable the DH in ultraSUPERman form, which I think means:
Допустим ДХ превратился в форму суперДХ, прошло 10 сек, потом его подняли в воздух циклоном, пока он летает, кулдаун на его 6-лвл скилле идет, а время пребывания его в форме суперДХ останавливается, соответственно после призмления у него сдвинется кулдаун, но будет так будто он был в форме 10 сек без прибавки времени нахождения в циклоне... Я так понял, мб это неверно...
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